Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



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bt news '06 (2)

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The Never Ending BT Story

Little Yellow Guy

Lil' Hood

cyanide and happiness

Marta's Going Away Party

Spirit Week '06


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This is Shannyn...

This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

sam's photobucket

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Henry and Giovanni (German III movie)

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2007-08-15 [Obsidian Panthera]: I still dun get it.

But anyway, can you guys help me out? I feel empty without my music...T_T

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: maybe....

2007-08-16 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yay! At least, like, some starting stuff, so I don't go insane beforehand...

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: Like what do you need?

2007-08-16 [Obsidian Panthera]: I guess I should ask, what do you have?

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: I have several differant pandora stations. If you go listen to them, you'll find all sorts of things.

2007-08-16 [insanity prawn boy]: i'm packing, but if you can stop by at my house, i can give you a few burned cds.

2007-08-16 [Obsidian Panthera]: I can bike over there.

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: I have a lot too.

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: I'm coming home in 6 days!!!!

2007-08-16 [insanity prawn boy]: i'm leaving in 3.....

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: *sniffles*

*glomps drewbie*

2007-08-16 [insanity prawn boy]: s'ok. i'll be home labor day weekend.

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: And you are coming to the party, right?

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: hopefully yeah!!! probably get a ride

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: good.

2007-08-16 [insanity prawn boy]: hey, i might be able to come to the party! if dad's plan works as it should, i'll be home around 5 that friday.

2007-08-16 [Sandman666]: oh... pic up some drank while your at central for the party...

2007-08-16 [insanity prawn boy]: actually, i'm at central, and my ride home is my dad.

2007-08-16 [Sandman666]: well then hide it in a bag or somthing...

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hmmm....i should do that...

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O ask V before anything guys, it IS at her house, and parental units might be there

2007-08-16 [risky]: is college the new shopping place for drinks?

2007-08-16 [Sandman666]: no... but you can pic them up pretty easy there...

2007-08-16 [risky]: oh.. um... i just go to the liquor store...

i think i still have the whole bottle of parrot bay from martas thing too

2007-08-16 [Sandman666]: well bring it...

2007-08-16 [risky]: no ill get smething else thats mine lol. wat do u guys want?

2007-08-16 [Sandman666]: vodka, bailys, anything else you think is good...

2007-08-16 [risky]: im gonna need money cause im already payin too much for this trip 4 my friends b-day present

2007-08-16 [Syn's Desire]: It cannot be on this property.....

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ok

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: mmk

2007-08-16 [Rowan]: well uh...pre party it up somewhere else then? any suggestions?

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *grins* id say afterwards would be better.

2007-08-16 [Rowan]: GREAT SUCCESS. i choose....i choose....both! *popeye music plays*

2007-08-16 [risky]: after party!

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sounds like a plan jem

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *grins*

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: *backs away slowly*

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks at you and smirks* what?

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: <--Whimp

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* ms. goody-good

2007-08-16 [Fear of the Soul]: ....shut up...

2007-08-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: I can be bad!!!

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks at you* uh huh...

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: Grrrrr

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]:   ^  see? totally bad

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *fakes being scared* help! *laughs*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: *scoffs and walks off*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: *sticks tounge out*

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pounces you and licks your tongue*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O!!!!! *crawls away*


2007-08-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: o_O *Bolts away scared*

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *grins* now thats bad.

2007-08-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: *From hiding* That was SCARY.

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs and sits down*

2007-08-17 [risky]: yea ur scaed of lots of things arent u ramius? haaaa

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: *kicks chest pinning him the the ground with foot, grabs bucket of tacky glue and pours it on top of you. steps off and walks off*

2007-08-17 [risky]: where did water come from?? WHERE ARE YOU???

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: What water?

2007-08-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: Water? What?

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: exactly

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *raises eyebrow* at least its not honey...

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: Why is that?

2007-08-17 [risky]: i swear it waid water lol but mmmm honey...

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *grins*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O

2007-08-17 [risky]: EW. not on you... omg visual!! OMG!!


2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs*

2007-08-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: *chuckles*

2007-08-17 [Fear of the Soul]: wow... awesome Jem

2007-08-17 [risky]: *whimpers*

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks a you* you ok there?

2007-08-17 [risky]: no

2007-08-17 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: why not?

2007-08-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: Lmao.

2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: Wow, jem, i agree.

2007-08-19 [risky]: its ok i called stetson over so i could stare at him... took kyle right out of my mind =)


2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: lol, nice.

2007-08-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *leans back and folds my arms*

2007-08-19 [risky]: <img:>

2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: Well, i'll be spending time with bear later, so i'm good.

2007-08-19 [risky]: lucky... stetsons at work =(

2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: lol, i've had bear with me most of the week.

2007-08-19 [risky]: lucky!!! Stetson has football n act classes all week =(

2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: ouch.....

2007-08-19 [Fear of the Soul]: O DO THE SMILEY!!!!

2007-08-19 [risky]: i kno its so gay

2007-08-19 [Syn's Desire]: lol

2007-08-19 [Fear of the Soul]: o....

2007-08-19 [risky]: <img:>

2007-08-20 [Fear of the Soul]: YAY!!!!!!!! you're awesome jem

2007-08-20 [risky]: I know. <img:>

2007-08-22 [Rowan]: groves first football game. friday. we should all go and start a riot.

2007-08-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *sticks my tongue out* up north

2007-08-22 [Rowan]: one out. that leaves v who might not be back from some shit she has to do, meg, me, josh, shannyn, jill who is going, which means erin might be, ramius, justin, i think drew is gone, alex is gone, abbie, pig, tammer, and whoever the fuck else...

2007-08-22 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: drews coming back for v's party he might be back i time for the game ill check

2007-08-22 [risky]: im not gonna be with yall tho... clearly lol

2007-08-22 [Obsidian Panthera]: Why not?

2007-08-22 [risky]: go in a corner and think about that

2007-08-22 [Obsidian Panthera]: *Goes to the corner, curls up and thinks* Hm...The only thing I can think of is that you hate Groves too much to care.

2007-08-22 [risky]: that is the stupidest shit ive ever heard that seriously made me mad... wtf

2007-08-22 [Obsidian Panthera]: ...Was I wrong? I don't know, how about you tell me, because I'm obviously drawing a blank.

2007-08-22 [risky]:



2007-08-22 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: if it makes u feel better its giberish to me too

2007-08-22 [Obsidian Panthera]: Woo, big text. :P

2007-08-22 [risky]: damn u ugly ppl make me mad... wheres pete or v... damn...

2007-08-22 [Obsidian Panthera]: OMG insulting me! So sad. </you guessed it...sarcasm>

2007-08-22 [Syn's Desire]: I'm here. Justin and I wont' be here prolly....

2007-08-22 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O I can try to make it

2007-08-22 [risky]: NOOOOO! Avivahhh!! you gotta go =(

2007-08-22 [Syn's Desire]: Jem, I may not be here. I'll try very hard, but if the trip runs late, I may not make it.

2007-08-22 [risky]: aww. that sux =( where u goin tho?

2007-08-22 [Syn's Desire]: Wright-patterson AF base.

2007-08-22 [risky]: oh...

2007-08-22 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah. so i don't know when that night i'll be back.

2007-08-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* thats a bit of a drive...

2007-08-22 [Syn's Desire]: not that bad...and i'm not driving.

2007-08-23 [Fear of the Soul]: I'M HOME!!!!! when is this party thingy again??

2007-08-23 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: the 31st

2007-08-23 [Fear of the Soul]: OooOOOoooOOOoooOOOOo mmk thanks!

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: Heads up! I need to get an aprox number for the party, so if you're planing on being there, tell me!

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: *raises hand* I WILL!!

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: good.

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: :-/ Well damn, that makes it sound like you were gonna force me otherwise.

2007-08-23 [risky]: me!! yay!

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: Woohoo!

no, i was just excpecting you to be htere.

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: I mean, it's right down the street, if I forgot, I could accidentally see when riding my bike. XD

2007-08-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ditto

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: lol, yeah.

2007-08-23 [risky]: that is true...

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: but yeah, let me know if oyu are goign to be ther.

2007-08-23 [risky]: oh wait... is that friday?

2007-08-23 [Syn's Desire]: next friday, yes.

2007-08-23 [risky]: ok good

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i'll try my damnedest, you know that for a fact!

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: Is it tommorow thats the game?

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: no...on the 31st...tomorrow's the game

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: That's what I just asked...>_>

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: dont jumble your didnt need 'thats' then, huh?

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: I meant, "Is it tomorrow's date that is the game?" which makes sense, however obscure it sounds. -_-;

2007-08-23 [Fear of the Soul]: uhhhhhhhhhh

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: Quiet, you.

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *points and laughs*

2007-08-23 [Fear of the Soul]: did you tell me to quiet??

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs harder and sits back* should i get popcorn?

2007-08-23 [risky]: *hands bowl of popcorn* been waitin for someone to join me.

...and as much as ramius irks me right now his question did make sense...

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *eats popcorn* not to me...

2007-08-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yes. Quiet. >_>

And I irk you? Why?

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks at meg*

2007-08-23 [risky]: *looks at meg* [whisper]what are we looking at?[/whisper]

2007-08-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs and whispers* her response...*eats popcorn*

2007-08-23 [risky]: to what?... oh i got it... *munches*

2007-08-24 [Fear of the Soul]: *ATTACKS JACKAL WITH NO MERCY!!!!*

2007-08-24 [Fear of the Soul]:


2007-08-24 [risky]: *drops popcorn* OH SHIT!

2007-08-24 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs my ass off*

2007-08-24 [Fear of the Soul]: *stops attacking*

*looks up*

*gets up from attacking and grabs a handful of popcorn*

*continues attacking*

2007-08-24 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs even harder*

2007-08-24 [Obsidian Panthera]: *Lays on ground, hurting...a lot*

2007-08-24 [Fear of the Soul]: *hands ice pack and sits a ways away*


2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: Lol. I forgot to go sing.

2007-08-25 [risky]: i was thinkin bout asking if i could sing but decided nahhhh

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: You can, 2007 alumni are welcome.

2007-08-25 [risky]: ha not at 10 in the morning no thanks

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: It's at ten in the morn? Great...

2007-08-25 [risky]: yep

2007-08-25 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: WHAT THE FUCK WHY IS IT A 10 IN THE FUCKING MORNING

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: You'll be there, right?

2007-08-25 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: im not a wake at 10

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: Well wake up at ten tomorrow you lazy fuck, I'm not singing alone. =P

2007-08-25 [risky]: psh im not doin shit but sittin in the stands eatin candy n cheerin for stetson

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: Not you, Afro boy.

2007-08-25 [risky]: oh good :) ill clap for you guys

2007-08-25 [Obsidian Panthera]: W007. Of course, if he remembers.

2007-08-25 [Fear of the Soul]: lol, I tried to go today... meh... stupid tornadoes.... XP

AND OMFG JEM!!!!! yay smiley

2007-08-25 [risky]: then just go tomorrow

2007-08-25 [Fear of the Soul]: at 10am?????

hell no

2007-08-25 [risky]: sure

2007-08-25 [Sandman666]: i get back tomorrow... theres no way in hell i'm gonna be awake at 10...

2007-08-25 [risky]: it was this morning not tomorrow

2007-08-25 [insanity prawn boy]: who from the choir was actually there?

2007-08-25 [risky]: *waits*

2007-08-26 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah... really... who went?

2007-08-26 [risky]: *coughs*

2007-08-26 [insanity prawn boy]: ramius said no one was there. at least he wasn't. the choir and band weren't called in. according to him, at least...

2007-08-26 [risky]: eh. who cares we lost neway

2007-08-26 [Obsidian Panthera]: T didn't blow up on me or anything either, I saw him that afternoon. I assumed there was nothing wrong.

2007-08-26 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O

2007-08-26 [insanity prawn boy]: or maybe he's just waiting so he only has to blow up once. remember when we had a madrigals rehearsal planned, and then 4 people came? when i showed up late, he didn't say anything, but then i was included in the list of people he was pissed at when he dragged us all into the practice room.

2007-08-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: that sucks for you drew. =]  and it may very well suck for Ramius.

2007-08-26 [insanity prawn boy]: oh, i look back on it and laugh. once he blew up at me in the disney police dept, no amount of screaming from anyone seems to compare.

2007-08-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: wow.  hahaha  yeah. i find it strangely amusing when generally nice, calm people blow up at someone or about something.

2007-08-29 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yay. I'm excited- I'm getting two new tatoos on tuesday. =]

2007-08-29 [Obsidian Panthera]: W007! What kinds and where?

2007-08-29 [Master Of Duct Tape]: I guess you'll have to wait and see- but i can tell you I'm getting one on my wrist and one on the top pf my foot. so that will be four down, like... 6 to go!

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